Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Maybe for you too wasteful to not even have any savings. New beginning, wages are only a few hundred, so you can save wherever possible. But you can do some drastic action to save. Here's some simple tips you can do.

1. Eliminate the use of credit cards.

Use credit cards that are not under control will reduce the savings drastically. The majority of us are not disciplined when using credit cards and throw hundreds of dollars to pay interest and credit card financing each year. Without you realizing it, you actually can leave the money or the interest rate you pay to the banks that provide credit facilities. Not not use a credit card but the most effective way is to repay each month. But you have to pay the debt each discipline during the month, on time and spend more than the maximum limit. Make a planning: Set targets for how much you pay each month, make sure you also save money for the savings and never spend more than income.
2. Save on daily expenses.

Want to eat delicious and inexpensive restaurant style. Try to eat your planned menu before going shopping every week. Masaklah own food. Limit eating at the restaurant.

3. Separate small money.

Saying a little bit old-old became the hill. You could always put coins all over the place without thinking that if the coins are collected in a special container so the number may reach tens and hundreds of dollars. So do not look the currency of your coins. No coins, no money.

4. Looking for additional income.

Looking for side jobs to boost income, you might have a hobby that turned out to make money. This way you can increase your total savings.

Tips: Guide shoes children prefer.

For children, the shoe is not just pengalas feet but also help develop leg muscles and bones are still very sensitive. Uncomfortable shoes will reduce the child's motivation for running. Move your body muscles to be trained under the well. Effects can be seen behind the day. To get the shoes 'ideal' for children, parents hold the primary role. As a consumer you are entitled to get the best product for you and your family. If no one if you have tried many shoes as long as the value of your worth by what you get. Maybe for some people it was a bit extreme, but remember, as a user, we reserve the right to obtain a quality product and value for all our wangn out. Here's some tips you should note before the child buy a pair of shoes.


Choose shoes that cover the ankle bone, and children circled the end of shoe-shaped toes to your child's mobility and growing well. Avoid pointy shoes berhujung because it makes the legs move finger blocked. Do not give your child high-heeled shoes (girls) because it can make your child's feet tend to come. These interfere with the growth of toes.

Materials for making shoes.

Children shoes should be made of soft, flexible material, but not too soft and not too hard. The flexible skin is the right choice. Avoid shoes made of hard materials because it is risky to interfere with the development of leg bones. As a result of your child's feet do not grow well. We recommend that you do not choose the shoes are made of plastic material thereon for preventing evaporation. The interior of the shoes tend to your child's feet wet and susceptible to fungal infections.


Appropriate measure of shoes is not too narrow and not too loose. Simply make your child's foot length from heel to tip of longest finger plus a segment of an adult finger. This is important because children's feet change quickly and should be measured several times a year.

We recommend that before buying shoes, try to be around her legs before your child's shoes in your child and your child standing wear socks. Usually the left and right foot are not necessarily equal. Choose shoes that fit the larger foot size.
The interior of the shoe.

Be part of the shoe pengalas coated soft and comfortable to absorb the impact when walking or running a small hard surface.
Heel shoes.

Make sure the heel of the shoe is not too high, only a maximum of one centimeter. Make sure the materials to make shoes is made up of soft materials and soft, not hard, so easy to step on your child's feet comfortably.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Each of us is the pressure of work. A comfortable work environment and safe quality of work improving the efficiency and pleasure to work. Work environment can lead to poor mental stress.
A little stress is necessary to enhance productivity. If excessive pressure at work, it can have a negative impact. Personal and family problems are further complicated mental health workers.

Job Type
Working environment, prolonged stress and changes in methods of handling the job.
Role and Function Jobs
Work and the role of the ever-changing on a regular basis or a dangerous job
Conflict between co-workers and employers
Poor incentives and recognition from employers, discouraged the working environment, increased / reduced in rank, loss of employment.
Change in Organization
Changes in organizational structure and management of rapidly increasing confusion and stress to employees


Be realistic on your work

-Acknowledge the strengths and weaknesses in yourself
Be positive when you do
-Do the best for the job
-Feeling great work
Plan Your Work

-Operate your time wisely
Give priority to the important work
-Not accepted
-Avoid bringing any work home
-Distributing work well
Enhance Problem Solving Skills

-See a problem with a rational and systematic solution raancang
- List of priority problems and measures to overcome
-Evaluate the suitability of each solution step
-Take the appropriate action
Have the Right Attitude Against Change in Work

-Always be open, tolerant and realistic for any changes
- Design changes on a regular basis
Practice Effective Communication in the Workplace
-Practice strict nature (assertive) are not violent (aggressive)
-Express your opinion in polite, firm and clear
-Respect the views of colleagues
Increase Social Support in the Workplace

-Create bonds of friendship among colleagues takan
-List of individuals and organizations that can help you and your friends sekeja in handling problems
-Share their problems with the current hearing
-Take your time to help friends in trouble
Practice Healthy Lifestyle

-Take the time to worship
-Get enough sleep
-Exercise regularly
-Have an activity / hobby fun
-Keep away from alcohol, cigarettes and drugs
-Practice good values and adherence to religious teachings

Signs of mental stress

-Be violent (Panas Baran)
-Appetite disturbance
-Sleep disturbance
-Lost - focus, motivation
-Concern excess
-Alcohol intoxication
-Feeling guilty

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Seamstresses in Peru set out to set a Guinness World Record for the largest pair of jeans sewn. The pair of jeans measures 141 feet tall and 98 feet wide and weighs in at 7.5 tons. The current record is held by the city of Medellin in Columbia. That pair was 114 feet tall and 82 feet wide

World's Largest Pair of Jeans

more picture.....

Saturday, April 24, 2010

n7w_results_new7wonders 600x

Friday, April 23, 2010


Nibiru, in Babylonian Astronomy translates to "Planet of Crossing" or "Point of Transition", especially of rivers, i.e. river crossings or ferry-boats, a term of the highest point of the ecliptic, i.e. the point of summer solstice, and its associated constellation. The establishment of the Nibiru point is described in tablet 5 of the Enuma Elish. Its cuneiform sign was often a cross, or various winged disc. The Sumerian culture was located in the fertile lands between the Euphrates and Tigris rivers, at the southern part of today's Iraq.

As the highest point in the paths of the planets, Nibiru was considered the seat of the summus deus who pastures the stars like sheep, in Babylon identified with Marduk. This interpretation of Marduk as the ruler of the cosmos was identified as an early monotheist tendency in Babylonian religion by Alfred Jeremias.

More info... here

Thursday, April 22, 2010

1. Butterfly food taste with their feet.
2. The sound of ducks does not produce Talun (echo).
3. In the 10th minute, hurricane releases more power than the total energy released from nuclear weapons in the earth.
4. On average, many people fear spiders more than fear of death.
5. Elephants are the only mammals that can not jump.
6. One of the two billion people will live until 116 years or more.
7. It is possible for a cow up the stairs, but it can not descend the stairs.
8. Women blink twice as many points from the men.
9. Physical nature, it is impossible to lick your own elbow.
10. Snails can sleep for up to three years.
11. Human eye is the same size since birth, but the growth of the nose and ears never stop during life.
12. All polar bears are left-handed.
13. Ostrich eye is bigger than the size of his brain.
14. Typewriter was the longest word that can be constructed from the letters appearing in the same row on the keyboard.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Is this a new form of innovation or a crime against a protected animal?

more interesting photos at .... strange-world

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Do you think this gates can save your home from intruders entered. however it is very creative and probably rarely think of us on the matter.

to see more interesting pictures, just click here ....stranges-world

Monday, April 19, 2010

I would like to introduce Alfred Adler by talking about someone Adler never knew: Theodore Roosevelt. Born to Martha and Theodore Senior in Manhattan on October 27, 1858, he was said to be a particularly beautiful baby who needed no help entering his new world. His parents were strong, intelligent, handsome, and quite well-to-do. It should have been an idyllic childhood

But "Teedie," as he was called, was not as healthy as he first appeared. He had severe asthma, and tended to catch colds easily, develop coughs and fevers, and suffer from nausea and diarrhea. He was small and thin. His voice was reedy, and remained so even in adulthood. He became malnourished and was often forced by his asthma to sleep sitting up in chairs. Several times, he came dangerously close to dying from lack of oxygen.

Not to paint too negative a picture, Teedie was an active boy -- some would say over-active -- and had a fantastic personality. He was full of curiosity about nature and would lead expeditions of cousins to find mice, squirrels, snakes, frogs, and anything else that could be dissected or pickled. His repeated confinement when his asthma flared up turned him to books, which he devoured throughout his life. He may have been sickly, but he certainly had a desire to live!

After traveling through Europe with his family, his health became worse. He had grown taller but no more muscular. Finally, with encouragement from the family doctor, Roosevelt Senior encouraged the boy, now twelve, to begin lifting weights. Like anything else he tackled, he did this enthusiastically. He got healthier, and for the first time in his life got through a whole month without an attack of asthma.

When he was thirteen, he became aware of another defect of his: When he found that he couldn't hit anything with the rifle his father had given him. When friends read a billboard to him -- he didn't realize it had writing on it -- it was discovered that he was terribly nearsighted!

In the same year, he was sent off to the country on his own after a bad attack of asthma. On the way, he was waylaid by a couple of other boys his own age. He found that not only couldn't he defend himself, he couldn't even lay a hand on them. He later announced to his father his intention to learn to box. By the time he went to Harvard, he was not only a healthier Teddy Roosevelt, but was a regular winner of a variety of athletic contests.

The rest, as they say, is history. "Teedie" Roosevelt went on to become a successful New York assemblyman, North Dakota cowboy, New York commissioner of police, Assistant secretary of the Navy, lieutenant colonel of the "Rough Riders," the Governor of New York, and best-selling author, all by the age of forty. With the death of President William McKinley in 1901, Theodore Roosevelt became the youngest president of the United States.

How is it that someone so sickly should become so healthy, vigorous, and successful? Why is it that some children, sickly or not, thrive, while others wither away? Is the drive that Roosevelt had peculiar to him, or is it something that lies in each of us? These kinds of questions intrigued a young Viennese physician named Alfred Adler, and led him to develop his theory, called Individual Psychology.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Welcome to my blog. all visitors are welcome to give their comments and any materials that will benefit other visitors. I hope this blog can be a field for all of us to pour the ideas of good and useful and be able to open up our minds about what is happening around us, whether related to social, political, economic, entertainment, blogging, environmental incidents or anything else deemed able to give us a new knowledge and useful. thank you ..
